NHS Head Lice Treatment

Struggling with head lice? Our NHS-approved treatments and expert guidance will help you treat them effectively. Contact Batley Pharmacy today for support.

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What are head lice?

Head lice and nits (lice eggs) are tiny insects which feed on blood from the scalp. It is very common in children and their families. These are not caused by poor hygiene, but spread through head-to-head contact. 

We provide a service where we can advise you on how to treat head lice most effectively. Let us help you get rid of lice as a part of our NHS head lice treatment service.

Symptoms of Head Lice

Itchy scalp

Crawling feeling in hair

Difficulty in sleeping

Sores on scalp due to scratching

How to get rid of head lice?

  • Early detection: Routinely check hair and scalp for early detection of lice and nits. 
  • Wet combing: This process includes washing your hair with shampoo, applying conditioner and using a fine-toothed hair comb (detection comb) from roots to ends to remove lice and nits.
  • Medicated lotions and sprays: These lotions and sprays are medicated and are applied according to instructions given. This may need to be repeated after 7 days. This lotion is free for people who would normally get free NHS prescriptions.

Are there any side effects from head lice treatments?

Wet combing has no side effects. Physical insecticides are considered very safe. As for chemical insecticides, the risks are minimal and may include; temporary skin irritation, burning or dry hair. Severe allergic reactions are rare. Check with your healthcare provider if any such reactions may happen.

How do you prevent it?

NHS also advises on prevention, such as;

Regularly checking for lice

Avoiding head-to-head contact

Applying recommended treatments

Do not share clothing such has hats

What does Batley Pharmacy do?

Visit or contact us now, as Batley Pharmacy is a helpful resource for both products and advice on managing head lice treatments effectively.

Frequently asked questions

Yes, the head lice treatment is free on the NHS if you meet the eligibility criteria. It is mainly for school-aged children who have been detected with live lice.

The recommended method for head lice treatment during pregnancy is wet combing. Physical and chemical insecticides may be considered but with caution. Visit Batley Pharmacy today for personalised advice and head lice treatment options for quick relief.

Wet combing has no side effects. Physical insecticides are considered very safe. As for chemical insecticides, the risks are minimal and may include; temporary skin irritation, burning or dry hair. Severe allergic reactions are rare. Check with your healthcare provider if any such reactions may happen.

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